EFPM SPECIAL FAIR PLAY AWARD winner 2020 Diego Mentrida (Spain)

Diego Mentrida (ESP)

During the Santander Triathlon in Spain, in September 2020, the Spanish triathlete Diego Mentrida has earned high praise after executing an excellent display of sportsmanship. He was a few steps behind his rival, James Teagle from Great Britain, when the latter took a wrong turn close to the finish line. He believed it marked the finish line, but it was only a hoarding. When Mentrida realised what had happened, instead of running through the finish line to claim third place, he waited for his "rival“.

In my view it should be a normal thing to do. This is something my parents and my club taught me since I was child. He was in front of me the whole time. He deserved it” – Diego wrote on Instagram.

Photo: © GEPA Pictures

