The Assembly of the San Marino Pierre de Coubertin Committee (CSPC) was held on Monday 13 February 2023, which proceeded to renew the social roles and to plan the first activities for the current year.
The new President of the CSPC was Matteo Selleri, Vice President Riccardo Venturini, Secretary Diego Renzi, Press Officer Marianna Giannoni; during the meeting with the members of the Board of Directors some initiatives were approved such as: " ARALDO PIERRE DE COUBERTIN " an Award that will be given to the San Marino student selected from the Middle Schools of the Republic of San Marino for scholastic works inspired by or containing the Principles and Values of Decoubertinian thought. Subsequently, the date of the Inauguration Ceremony of the new Via Barone Pierre De Coubertin at the Polo Sportivo Tribuna Nord San Marino Stadium and Museum of Sport and Olympism of Serravalle was indicated for Thursday 6 April 2023coinciding with the International Sports Day for Development and Peace, proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), the civil and sporting institutions of San Marino and the council of Castello di Serravalle will be involved in the inauguration of the new road.
San Marino Pierre de Coubertin Committee – CPSC