EFPM at the EOC General Assembly
The EFPM, represented by President, Christian Hinterberger, and Secretary General, Ioannis Psilopoulos, followed the EOC invitation to the 48th General Assembly in Warsaw, October 25th/26th 2019. IOC President Bach and EOC President Kocijancic opened the Assembly and reiterated the importance of universality, good governance and ethics in all organisations of the Olympic Movement.The GA approved several reports of the board members and different commissions and working groups.Revisions of the 2nd European Games Minsk 2019, the EYOF 2019 14th Winter Edition Sarajevo and East Sarajevo and the 15th Summer Edition Baku as well as the 18th Games of the Small States of Europe in Montenegro finally showed the big interest by the NOC`s and a successful perspective for the future development, especially regarding the EYOF 2021 in Vuokatti (FIN) and Banska Bystrica (SVK).Finally, the EFPM got in touch not only with the leaders of EOC but also with representatives of a number of NOC`s, especially with those, EFPM lost in the past or did not receive any respond to EFPM communication and invitation.