EFPM Congress "Gender Equality in Sport" on November 4 in Rome
1st Fair Play for Peace Ceremony and annual EFPM Congress under topic "Gender Equality in Sport"will be held on November 4 in Rome City Hall.
Organizer Fair Play Comitato Nazionale Italiano and chairman Mr Ruggero Alcanterini welcomes EFPM delegates to attend the event with following program:
Session 1 wil be lead by member of EFPM Scientific committee Mrs Romana Caput-Jogunica. Dr Nicolas Delorme will present key note paper “Gender Equality in Sport, Current Research and Recommendations”. Paper will present the high-level transversal and key cross cutting themes of the report of the EC High Level Working Group on Equality in Sport (2022). Following key not paper “Gender Equality in Coaching and Leadership in Sport: Can We Do Better?” will be presented by Dr Sanda Čorak and Paper will focus on the practical recommendations of the EC High Level Report and what this means for EFPM members particularly in
leadership, governance and coaching.
Panel discussion Chaired by Kole Gjeloshaj will follow with participation of both keynote speakers as well as Laura Capranica, Caterina Pesce, Dr Flavia Guidotti, Charles Camenzuli and Paulo Pizzo.
The event will close wih Agreement of the Congress Declaration.
* Dr Nicolas Delorme Keynote Speaker is Rapporteur of the EC High Level Working Group on Gender Equality, Associate Professor in Sociology of Sport (University of Bordeaux); Author of several articles about gender equality (Gender Stereotypes in Sport and the Role of Media, Gender Balance and Equality in Decision Making in Sport); Member of the scientific committee of the European Think Tank Sport and Citizenship.
* Dr Sandra Čorak Keynote Speaker is Member of the EC High Level Working Group on Gender Equality, Vice-president of the Croatian Olympic Committee, Member of the EC of the International Judo federation IJF and IJF Gender Equity Commission Chair. Former athlete and many times National Champion.