“EFPM Strategy the Future of Fair Play in Europe” final draft published for comments
We are pleased to announce that the final stage of the production of our new strategy has been reached and the attached final draft as agreed by the Executive Committee is now published.
This strategy has been put together to guide the purpose and activities of the EFPM over the next 5 years from the annual congress/General assembly in 2020 to that in 2025 providing clarity and focus for our organisation.
It has been created through the following process: -
(i) External PESTLE analysis of the external operating environment
(ii) SWOT analysis looking at internal strengths and weaknesses in relation to the opportunities and threats derived from the PESTLE
(iii) Consideration of the previous aims, Presidents statements and the constitution (statutes)
(iv) The patronage of the IOC/CIFP/EOC and the Olympic Charter
(v) Group discussions with the EFPM Family at the 2019 congress
(vi) Facilitated workshop with the EFPM executive committee (EXCO)
(vii) Consultations with colleagues e.g. our Scientific(academic) Advisory Committee
We commend the strategy to you, and look forward to agreeing the final version in the Autumn Congress (subject to the current pandemic of course) which the new elected Board of EFPM can adapt to form its business agenda for the forthcoming years.
Comments are invited from members, partners and associates.
Please email the general secretary with comments, support and commitments by 30th June 2020