EFPM Vice president Baiba Veisa elected in EPAS Consultative Committee board
EFPM Vice president Baiba Veisa elected in ESPA consultative committee board.
The Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) of European Council provides a platform for intergovernmental sports co-operation between the public authorities of its member states. It also encourages dialogue between public authorities, sports federations and NGOs. This contributes to better governance, with the aim of making sport more ethical, more inclusive and safer.
EPAS Consultative Committee comprises members of 30 sports organisations, NGOs and international organisations. As a partnership body, it gives its opinion on the programme of activities and provides advice for the decisions of the Governing Board. It is appointed by the Governing Board which also draws up its terms of reference.
EPAS CC is chaired by Kolë GJELOSHAJ.
The Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) is made up of three statutory bodies -the Governing board, the Statutory Committee and the Consultative Committee-, which, together, allow the intergovernmental platform to implement its activities and achieve its objectives.