The EFPM Award Jury, consisting of Kveta Peckova, Katarina Raczova, Baiba Veisa, Biserka Vrbek, has decided under the leadership of Mirosav Cerar to award the following organizations, personalities, campaigns:
The European Fair Play Plaque of Merit and Diploma
made under the auspices of the European Olympic Committees for an organization:
Panathlon Club Wallonie-Bruxelles (BEL) for the campaign Le Fair Play est un sport
The European Fair Play Plaque of Merit and Diploma
made under the auspices of the European Olympic Committees for an individual
Talalelei Gray (AUS – rugby), playing for Toulouse (FRA), showed some remarkable sportsmanship towards an injured opponent
The European Fair Play Diploma
made under the auspices of the European Olympic Committees for an individual:
Daumants Znatnajs (LAT) - for the contribution made to supporting by appropriate initiatives the preservation of ethical values in sport and reinforcing the values and principles of fair play and tolerance
The European Fair Play Diploma
made under the auspices of the European Olympic Committees for a team:
SL Benfica (ESP, futsal) - for a beautiful gesture of Fair Play towards their opponents
The EFPM ‘Spirit of Fair Play’ Awards:
Urša Trobec and Stojan Rodica (SLO) for a remarkable gesture of Fair Play
Karel Brückner (CZE, football coach) - His entire sporting and training career have been pursued in the spirit of Fair Play and he also observes the same principles in his private life
Daria Obratov (CRO, luge)- for particularly fair behaviour
Kalokagatia - International Children and Youth’s Olympiad (SVK) - celebrated its 25th anniversary and in 2018 it will take place already for the 14th time
Avni Erboy (TUR)- for his contribution to the implementation of ethical values in sports and the education of youth in the spirit of fair play and tolerance.
The EFPM ‘Fair Play Flame’ Awards
to an athlete or a team under 18:
Simone Salvi (SNM – football) - showed integrity and good sportsmanship
Nicolò Francescotti (ITA – football) for remarkable act during a game of the Provincial Youth Championship