Happy birthday, Dear Mandfred
February 13 th , today is the birthday of our (EFPM) dear brother Prof. Dr. Manfred Lammer who is one of the building blocks of EFPM.
The effort spent on EFPM by he and his beloved wife Doris is unforgettable. Lammers work has made EFPM a serious, scientific institution, he has served as general secretary, deputy chairman for years in EFPM, and has put the magnificent Congress in Germany into memorable congresses.
While he was working at the COLOGNE Sports High School, the services he provided to his country, Germany deserve respect today with hundreds of students he has trained.
Today, Manfred continues to work for Fair Play and world history under the presidency of the EFPM Science Council.
We wish him together with his beloved wife Doris healthy life and we heartily calling on behalf of Fair Play Community HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANFRED.
Erdoğan Arıpınar
EFPM Vice President