Message from Christian Hinterberger, EFPM President
In the last weeks our life has completely changed. Especially in Europe, the Coronavirus lockdown influenced the whole economy, the socio-cultural life and the people’s daily life. It also blocked all the international and national sport activities, the training, the competitions, the championships and the tournaments, not only at professional level but also at the grass route level of the thousands of clubs. Millions of athletes and common people aged from 9 to 90 years old are hopefully looking forward to restart their beloved sports at regional, national and international level.
Following Nelson Mandela's words: "sport has the power to change the world, it inspires and unites people like nothing else", we invite all politicians, all governments and sport authorities to restart sport activities, paying full respect to aspects of common health and responsibilities for the whole society. We all believe in the power of sport, not only as regards its economic potential, but also and especially as regards its unquestionably importance as an educational and socio-cultural tool.
EFPM will do its utmost to support the way forward, to boost the prospects for a prosperous future for sports, being fascinating, inspiring and, based on respect, solidarity, equality and fairplay.
Dear members and friends of EFPM, together we will face and overcome this ordeal and move forward to a better future.
We count on you! Warm regards, take care and stay healthy.
Christian Hinterberger, EFPM President