New EFPM President and Executive committee has been elected
The EFPM 26h Electoral General Assembly took place in Vienna, Austria on September 25, 2021. Despite the COVID 19 restrictions, representatives from 22 member countries took part in the event.
President Christian Hinterberger and the two Vice presidents namely Erdogan Aripinar and Miroslav Cerar announced that they will step out of their posts and will not be candidates any more. However one candidate to the post of President and 10 candidates for 8 Executive Committee seats were confirmed.
Twenty two corporate members, four associated members and five honorary members voted and the new EFPM Executive committee with new president Philippe Housiaux (BEL) was elected.
For Members of the Executive Committee acc. to the voting ranking
- Ioannis Psilopoulos (GRE)
- Baiba Veisa (LAT)
- Katarina Raczova (SVK)
- Biserka Vrbek (CRO)
- Bilge Donuk (TUR)
- Khazar Isayev (AZE)
- Hanna Wawrowska (POL)
- Robert Perc (SLO)
Christoph Schuh (AUT) and Marie Jose Lallart (FRA) were not elected.
The outgoing President Mr. Hinterberger expressed his deep gratitude to the General Assembly participants for their trust in him and congratulated the new President Mr. Housiaux and the new Board.The General Assembly thanked them and decided to honour them with the title of "Honorary EFPM Members".
In an extra ordinary meeting of the new Board later was formed as follows:
President: Philippe Housiaux
Vice President: Baiba Veisa
Vice President: Biserka Vrbek
Gen. Secretary: Ioannis Psilopoulos
Treasurer: Katarina Raczova
Members: Bilge Donuk, Khazar Isayev, Hanna Wawrowska and Robert Perc.
The Board for the Elections consisted of three honourable members: Carlos Cardoso, Dr. Manfred Laemmer and Ruggero Alcanterini, assisted by the Gen. Secretary Mr. Psilopoulos.
Photos source: © GEPA Pictures