The European Fair Play Movement & Ukraine share the same Blue & Yellow colours

The European Fair Play Movement & Ukraine share the same Blue & Yellow colours: Not a coincidence anymore

The European Fair Play Movement whose main aim is to promote Fair Play and Tolerance in the broadest sense (in sports and everyday life) at European level:


  • firmly condemns and rejects all wars, this even more implacably during the Olympic Truce which is in force on the occasion of the Winter Olympic Games (Olympic & Paralympic) (*)(*1)
  • reaffirms that the only way to create harmony in our world today is through PEACE and DIALOGUE
  • calls upon all sporting bodies to play their role (the largest community in the world) in asking Russia’s political leadership to remember the sense of Sports Values
  • addresses a message of hope to the population of Ukraine, that the blindness of the Russian leadership is cruel and totally unacceptable and puts in danger the life of innocent people
  • that the word « Fair Play » is not empty of meaning and includes friendship as well as respecting and listening to one another BUT only in a peaceful environment.


The European Fair Play Movement will spare no effort to make its voice heard, as many others, to modestly contribute to changing the course of this horrific war, unilaterally decided by Russia.



For more information :

Philippe Housiaux,





(*) Resolution entitled « Building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal » adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December the 2nd 2021 at the 76th Session, to end the truce 7 days after the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games which means the 20th of March 2022


(*1) the statement of the Russian Federation during the session : The representative of the Russian Federation agreed that the Olympic ideals remain as relevant as ever and can help foster harmony in today’s complex world. He urged all States to observe the resolution’s call for an Olympic Truce before and after the upcoming Games. Pointing out that sport can foster sustainable development, he said it can also shield youth from negative influences, such as terrorism. However, he warned that sport should not become a political tool or an instrument of intrigue, such as blackmail, and it must never be used as an instrument of power involving sanctions. Indeed, the collective punishment of athletes remains an unacceptable practice, he said.




