Christian Blareau
Christian Blareau was born in 1951. He obtained his Ph.D. in History from the University of Paris in 1975 and also obtained Master degrees in geography and sport law, economy and sports organization management.
Since 1999 he worked for the Minister of Health as a professor preparing future teachers for the national sports exam in various disciplines. He also tought sports law, economy and management at the University of Evry and Paris.
Mr. Blareau was a former Judo National Champion (1982), an international judge for Ju Jitsu and was elected until 2012 as President for the European Union of Ju Jitsu.
Since 2004, he was the French delegate to European Fair Play Movement and was elected as Executive Committee member of the European Fair Play Movement, during the 14th EFP Congress, held in Nicosia, 2008, being appointed as Treasurer of the Organisation. He fulfiled this task with great enthusiasm and affection, despite his progressive illness.
Mr. Blareau was also the co-author of several books on sports education and contributed to the symposium collection published by AFSVFP.
He passed away at the age of 60 years.