Francesco Gnecchi-Ruscone

Francesco Gnecchi-Ruscone Country
Francesco Gnecchi-Ruscone
Born in Milano on 13th March 1924. Francesco Gnecchi-Ruscone enrolled at the Faculty of Architecture of the Milan Polytechnic in 1942, completed his architectural studies at the Politecnico di Milano, graduating in May 1949. He fought in the Italian Resistance Movement from 1943 to 1945: decorated with Bronze medal and Military Cross. His memoirs were published under the title: "When being Italian was difficult" (Milan 1999). 

Although having deep roots in Milan, as expressed by his many buildings in the city and his affectionate interest in its architectural and town planning events, Gnecchi-Ruscone is profoundly international due to his training and experience matured in England, France and Africa. His varied and multi-faceted activity includes the design of numerous residential buildings. Among the most important interventions are Villa Chiericati in Schiavon and the headquarters of the Commercial Agricultural Bank of Reggio Emilia. He also dealt with urban planning projects for Tel-Aviv, Novara, Genoa, Samarkand, Amman and also built numerous school buildings, sports centers, several tourist settlements in Africa (Guinea Bissau, Tanzania and Uganda).
A substantial part of Gnecchi-Ruscone's commitment concerns the promotion of sports and culture:
He was an avid athlete in sports such as archery, rowing, equestrian, trap shooting, sailing and long-distance swimming. He was President of the Italian Archery Federation from 1969 to 1981; the federation grew from six to 60 affiliated clubs during his tenure. He was President of the National Committee for Fair Play; Francesco Gnecchi-Ruscone also served as member of the Council of the Italian National Olympic Committee and the Global Association of International Sports Federations Council. He worked with the International Olympic Committee. Moreover he was member of the Board of European Fair Play Movement. He is Honorary President of the Archery International Federation, and honorary chairperson of its Board of Justice and Ethics.
